We at Mihano Momosa have a long standing philosophy to operate as one, a team standing behind the brand, rather than individuals working for a brand. For each of our campaigns we have worked with leading photographers and tried to push the boundaries of the brands visual identity a little further.
But it is little known,that almost every photo you see posted on our social media in between campaingns has been photographed by the members of our team.This presents a challenge for our team on a daily basis- how to stay current? How to stay visible, yet not compromise on the quality?
Mihailo and Adem are in charge of these puzzles. They work tirelessly on ideas how to better the visual image, always thinking of new locations and props for the shoots. Meanwhile Sladjana and Ana contribute by writting blog posts. Our dear friend and a model Danijela Crnogorac is our go-to girl for these photo shoots, as she brings the charm and elegance with such ease.
And in the end it’s all about the team effort and it doesn’t go unappreciated.