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Russian skazka

From the very beginning our vision of a modern woman has remained the same in it’s core – femininity, and we believe that it can be translated into every woman’s personal style. But every once in a while, we notice that there are ladies whose style and personality resonates with Mihano Momosa and that is when we are especially pleased to see such ladies wear some of our clothes.

This time we had a pleasure to see one of the most influential style icons, Lena Perminova, wearing Mihano Momosa classic piece – the strapless roses dress, during Paris Fashion Week. Lena is known for her impeccable sense of style, and while her outfits are always well elaborated, there is a certain ease with which she carries even the most demanding clothes. Her fairy-like beauty reminds us of a Russian fairy tales but her lifestyle is very modern, cosmopolitan and fulfilling.

And even though we see Lena as a successful model and a style star, we can also see her as a dedicated wife and a loving mom. The combination is everything that Mihano Momosa is – a contemporary fairy tale, or in this case a real life Russian skazka.


Mihano Momosa


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